Tim was worried about what type of report?
- 學校成績報告
- 牙齒檢查報告
- 健康檢查報告
- 工作進度報告
1. Body check-up (n) 健康檢查
I go for a body check-up every 6 months. 我每六個月做一次健康檢查。
2. Blood pressure (n) 血壓
The ideal blood pressure is between 120 and 80. 理想的血壓是在120-80之間。
3. Blood sugar level (n) 血糖高度
Your blood sugar level is usually lowest in the morning. 你的血糖量通常在早上是最低的。
4. Cholesterol level (n) 膽固醇量
People with high cholesterol level may have increased risk for heart disease. 膽固醇高的人可能比較容易得心臟病。
5. Exercise (v) 運動
Tim needs to exercise more! 提姆需要更常運動!
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